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Therapy Tools

The tools, equipment, and products we discussed in therapy can be found here by their Amazon links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If what is found below is not what you were looking for or the link not working, please contact me by text, email, or call and I will be happy to help.

Laser head lamp
Screenshot 2025-01-15 at 2.34.02 PM.png
Door anchor for therabands
8 in ball
Double ball peanut for self-mobilization
Hand weights
Moist hot pack
Ankle weights
Why do I hurt book cover
wedge to stand on
Hamstring stretching strap
Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 8.04.51 PM.png
Adjustable desk that rolls
Brock string for visual training exercises
Water pillow
Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 10.10.26 AM.png

Vitamin Recommendations

I can neither prescribe nor solely recommend vitamins. The posted vitamins below have been helpful for several conditions regarding inflammation, brain fog, and anxiety. You need to ask your physician regarding the safety and necessity of any of the vitamins posted below in order to ensure safety and efficacy of your current medication regiment and health. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If what is found below is not what you were looking for or the link not working, please contact me by text, email, or call and I will be happy to help.

B-Complex vitamins
Magnesium vitamin
NeuroQ vitamin
Vitamin D3 & K
Vitamin C
L-Theanine Vitamin
Zinc Vitamin
Probiotic Visiobiome
Omega Vitamin
Chillax vitamins for children
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